About the Business
I have been passionate about alternative therapies for over twenty years, following in the footsteps of my father who was a spiritual healer in the days long before natural medicine was recognised and acknowledged as it is today.
I am a member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and I run a homeopathic practice in Bath. I am also co-founder of the SW Circle of Lakeland Homeopaths, a group which organises seminars for homeopaths and other alternative practitioners in the South West.
I use flower essences and Emotional Freedom Technique in conjunction with my work as a homeopath. I find the combination of these a really powerful way to support clients as they move forward with their own healing. I am an NLP Master Practitioner and accredited coach.
I have been practising as an earth energy healer, or house healer, for many years. Earth energy healing has helped so many people to feel comfortable in their home surroundings. It has helped numerous others to sell their house when all else had failed. I have also worked with businesses and public sector organisations to help them improve the quality of their working environment.
I love clutter clearing, also known as space clearing, or decluttering, as it draws together my work as a homeopath, earth energy healer and NLP practitioner. Helping people to create order out of chaos, and a space in which they are able to feel energised and revitalised is a both a privilege and a joy.
I run courses in homeopathy, dowsing and clutter clearing at Bristol Folk House, an adult education cooperative based at Park Street in Bristol. Please see the News & Events page for details of any courses which are running at the moment.
Business Services

Earth Energy Healing
What are earth energies and how do I know if I’m affected by them?
Ideally, we experience our home as a place where we feel comfortable and at ease, where we can relax, rest and sleep peacefully. In other words, where we literally feel ‘at home’. Sadly, in many cases the opposite is true. Research has shown that geopathic stress, also known as negative earth energy lines, may be detrimental to a person’s health if it affects their home.
So what is Geopathic Stress?
Literally translated GEO means related to the earth and PATHIC, means suffering or dis-ease. So Geopathic Stress represents dis-ease which emanates from the earth.
Because the earth is magnetic, it emits a natural radiation. Areas of harmful geopathic stress may occur where this natural radiation becomes distorted as a result of weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean water, mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. This may be exacerbated by the effects of electromagnetic energy emitted from electricity pylons, power stations, communication masts, wi-fi devices, computers, televisions, microwaves and telephones – both mobile and DECT.
A person who is sensitive to this may experience a constant draining of their energy, a bit like pouring water into a sieve and feeling it leaking out through the holes. It has also been observed that treatment for some conditions may be less effective if an individual lives or works in an area affected by geopathic stress.

How I disovered Homeopathy:
I first encountered homeopathy in 1999 having recently been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. Prescribed thyroxin by my GP, I was told there was no possibility my thyroid would ever function normally again. Although I knew nothing about homeopathy, I was unwavering in my belief that if something had caused my thyroid to become underactive, it must be possible to reverse that process.
Still reeling from the shock of what I perceived to be a life sentence of drug taking, I consulted a homeopath, and over a period of several months my thyroxin levels returned to normal and have remained that way ever since.
I was captivated by this magical therapy. After attending an evening class at the University of Bath I undertook a three year professional training at the Lakeland College of Homeopathy in Ambleside, graduating from there in 2006.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years and is widely recognised as a very safe, non-invasive form of medicine. It considers the individual as a whole person rather than focusing on a particular medical condition. It also recognises the connection between physical illness and our mental or emotional state. This means that two people presenting with what appears to be the same condition may be treated in a different way.
How does Homeopathy work?
The human body has its own inbuilt system of healing which we see in action, for example after a simple cut or an injury. However, there are times when the body struggles to cope on its own and needs help. Using the principle of similars, homeopathy works alongside the body’s own healing mechanism to stimulate and support it and help overcome illness and trauma.
A very, very simple example of this is the remedy Allium Cepa, made from the red onion. Most of us have experienced watery eyes, a runny nose and sneezing when chopping an onion. Using the principle of similars, this is one of several remedies which might be used in cases of colds or hayfever where we may experience those same symptoms.
Location & Hours

76 Greenacres