Andrea Webb's Healing Centre
Alternative Medicine Specialist in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 8JY
About the Business
So what is it exactly? Where doctors work with the physical body, a subtle energy medicine practitioner works with the electromagnetic field, that surrounds each and every one of us. You may have heard it referred to as the aura.
It is subtle because it is of a faster vibration than the physical body, which is why most people are unable to see it. Think of the wheels of a car; when a car is stationery, you are able to see the wheel spokes quite clearly. Once it is moving and the wheels begin to turn, the spokes blur, especially when the car is travelling at speed. The vibration of the wheel is faster than when it is stationery and hence we are unable to see the spokes of the wheel. But it doesn't mean to say they are not there.
Location & Hours

152 Crossbrook Street
Just a little note to express my gratitude for the gentle & cleansing - yet, (still) powerful subtle energy healing I received from you last month. It really has worked wonders within myself (& my life) & served as a catalyst to put the wheels in motion (once again) releasing that which no longer serves me or my higher good & embracing the positive & colourful metamorphosis of my soul. Life is such a vast & wondrous adventure. Thank you so very much. Much love, light and rainbow blessings.