About the Business
Brita brings over 30 year's experience to her treatments and classes. Her interest in holistic and alternative healthcare started after learning Transcendental Meditation in the early 80's.
As an aerobics instructor she choreographed classes that included dance and exercise routines along with yoga and relaxation then trained with the Shiatsu School of Natural Therapy (3 years) - now known as The European School of Shiatsu.
She has a diploma in Holistic Massage (ITEC) and studied at Metanoia Institute, London (2 years) - Rogerian Person Centred Counselling. Brita has level 1 and level 2 Reiki.
Brita has travelled extensively and was resident for many years in Boulder, Colorado, USA where she trained in a many therapeutic approaches including Hot-stone Massage and Personal Coaching (Byron Katie - The Work), California, USA.
She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher and has been a student of Yoga since her first yoga class in 1983. Brita is a member of the British Wheel of Yoga. Brita trained as a Yoga Teacher in Maduria, Tamil Nadu, southern India (Sivananda Vedanta Yoga) and continues to develop her knowledge and education with regular professional training courses.
Location & Hours

Oxford, OX4