About the Business

Well-being is, naturally, about being well, but also having ease of movement without pain, good digestion, healthy weight, strong and healthy immune system, plenty of energy and so on. A Holistic approach means considering the whole picture, you as a person rather than just the bits with the symptoms.

When you come to see me as a new client the first appointment is 90 minutes long to give us plenty of time for a consultation and then your treatment. The consultation process is important as it provides the opportunity to discuss why you'd like a treatment, your health concerns and to ask any questions about the therapies.

From what you tell me during the consultation and subsequent updates I will be able to tailor the treatment (or type of treatment) to your needs. My job is to help you to relax, feel well, improve and maintain your health. When you feel well and relaxed with plenty of energy it shows on the outside.

Business Services

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is possibly one of the oldest healing styles around. Using drum, rattle, and smudge along with ancient techniques are all part of Shamanic healing.

In a shamanic healing session I connect with my Power Animals and other spirit helpers and guides and use power objects such as crystals, stones and feathers. With these tools and helpers I will work with you to remove energetic intrusions, remove blockages or 'dirt' from the aura, return and retrieve lost soul parts and Power. Shamanic healing objectives have a close overlap with modern psychotherapy.

Soul Loss:

When we experience a shock, long term stress, or bereavement , for example, we often feel like we are going through life in a fog, as if we are vacant, operating at a distance, or like we’re wading through treacle. We might use phrases like ‘I don’t feel like I’m really here’ after a shock, or ‘I feel as if a part of me went with him’ when someone passes away; ‘I haven’t been the same since…’ When we experience these things we are said to be suffering from Soul Loss. These feelings may be temporary and after a short time we may feel normal again but if they become longer term and life is a struggle then shamanic healing may help.

Intrusion Removal:

As we go through life we may inadvertently pick up energetic intrusions, like walking through woodland we might pick up a thorn or twig on clothing. Occasionally someone else may have deliberately or unintentionally imposed on us energetically. Aura ‘dirt’ can be likened to having mud splashes on a car windscreen; it can impair our view or slow us down.

A shamanic intrusion removal extracts and disposes of inappropriate energy, and 'cleans' and smooths the aura.


Deep relaxation can be expected during and after a shamanic healing session, a feeling of groundedness, peace, and the ability to function well. A series of healings may be desirable as with each session new things come up for healing as appropriate to be cleared.


'Reiki, (pronounced 'ray key') is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy. Rei = Universal, Ki = life energy. Ki (also known as chi, qi, or prana) is the vital energy flowing through all living things. During stress or illness energy may not flow freely or with the abundance associated with well-being. Reiki is beneficial in that it provides a means of 'topping up', and helping natural movement of energy. Reiki is received via the hands of a practitioner placed on or over the body.

While training is needed to be able to perform this, anyone can be taught Reiki. No special gift or prior learning is necessary simply the desire and commitment to heal and learn.

What Happens at an Appointment?

After the consultation I will ask you to lie on the couch (fully clothed, without shoes), there are pillows, bolsters, blankets, and eye mask available to help you feel relaxed and comfortable. Reiki is given by placing the hands on or over the body. It can be comforting to receive the healing at the site of discomfort or dis-ease but the energy is taken-in and used where it is most needed.

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

Some people notice a feeling of warmth, tingling sensations or a gentle feeling of waves of energy, while others are aware of certain colours, their emotions or thoughts, and of course, deep relaxation. Each experience is unique and will be right for you on your healing journey.

Location & Hours

38 Botts Way

Coalville, LE67 4BT
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