About the Business
Information on this site is for educational and personal use only, and is not intended in any way as prescription or diagnosis. It is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have a medical condition, or take prescription medication, do not neglect good quality medical support. The terms 'treat' and 'treatment', or similar, do not promise or imply cure. Information given about products or their ingredients refers to research-based evidence; some sources of evidence are on the Links pages. It would be impossible to fit the information in these references onto each page. Reference to 'traditional use' reflects well-documented common use, by ordinary people, over many years, often in more than one country. No manufacturer or supplier has any financial interest in this website, or my business, nor do I have any financial interest in them. Although I sell Viridian products, they are also widely available elsewhere. Always read instructions on any product.
Location & Hours
28 Collapark