About the Business
Mothers and babies are treated together at Ingefleur Homeopathy as their health is so intertwined. This is the case whether you had a caesarian or natural birth, whether you breast feed or bottle feed, and even if your baby was carried by a surrogate or you have adopted. After all, baby cannot be happy and healthy if mommy isn't, and the other way around.
Get in touch if you would like to know what homeopathic treatment can do for you and your child. Children can be treated together with mom till 3 years old if they are the youngest child.
Location & Hours

21 Annandale Rd
Chiswick, W4 2HE
Ingefleur is an up and coming homeopath who is very good at what she does. She treated my mother and the results has been tremendous. I highly recommend her.
Mother's testimony after a few months of homeopathic treatment for her baby that woke up choking every night on mucous and projectile vomiting: The baby now weighs 8.5kg. He's doing great & no spilling! GP review this morning and we can now stop Ranitadine which I'm pleased about. No breathing / mucous issues. Sleeping, breastfeeding and interacting perfectly.