Jean Whittle Hypnotherapy
Alternative Medicine Specialist in Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 4LA
About the Business
It brings me great joy to see so many lives positively transformed through the power of guided hypnosis. I have used hypnotherapy to successfully treat countless clients over the past 20 years.
I can help you overcome your physical and mental ailments quickly and effectively. To help you find the right therapy, I have trained extensively in several other therapies too. This diverse and experienced approach allows me to tailor my hypnotherapy sessions to your specific needs, offering you a truly holistic service.
There is no need to be nervous about hypnotherapy. It is completely safe. You do not become unconscious or lose control and you are aware of everything that is happening around you. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or want to stop the session you will be able to do so with ease. I am based in the heart of Malvern and my hypnotherapy treatments have benefited people like you throughout Worceste, Tewkesbury, Ledbury and beyond.
Business Services

BioPhoton Therapy

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life Force Energy”, that vital force that permeates all life. Reiki, also referred to as the Usui System of Reiki Healing, is a vibrational energy technique that balances, harmonizes and restores our energy systems by using non-polarized energy through the energy centres in the palms of the hands.
The hands are placed gently and passively in different positions over the body, generally beginning at the head. Physiologically an hour’s treatment is equivalent to 3 to 4 hours sleep. This factor alone makes Reiki a very effective stress reliever.
The history of Reiki:
Reiki reached the Western world in the mid 1970s. It is an holistic therapy that addresses body, mind, emotions and spirit, going beyond symptoms to treat the root cause of the disease. It helps us maintain balance in our health. You can experience energy in your body during treatment, usually as a sensation of warmth, or cold or a tingling. Reiki cannot possibly harm anyone as it adjusts naturally to the individual’s needs. It can be used at any time, any place and in any situation.
Reiki is simple, safe and non-intrusive, as no aids, diagnoses or medicines are required. In a Reiki session the client lies fully clothed on a treatment table. The treatment lasts for approximately 80 minutes. The client will take in only the amount of energy that the body dynamic requires.

Specialist Hypnotherapy Services
Hypnotherapy is used to uncover the deep causes of emotional, mental and physical problems, as well as alleviating symptoms, which can lead to a permanent resolution.
Location & Hours

162 Upper Welland Road
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Jean Whittle Hypnotherapy
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162 Upper Welland Road, Malvern, WR14 4LA