About the Business
Acupuncture is in my blood, my mother having practised for many years. After qualifying in 1992 from the College of Traditional Acupuncture, I joined the Newport Clinic for Holistic Health in 1994 and soon after, started clinics in Chepstow and Cardiff which remain busy, vibrant practices. In addition, I was a Director of the Cardiff clinic for 6 years. I also studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, Reading in 1998 and continue to pay regular visits there for further training and professional development.
I have recently joined The Acupuncture Academy, Leamington Spa as a clinical supervisor to third year students in their clinical year. This as an amazing opportunity for me to pass on some of what I have learned over 24 years of practise.
In 2011 I went on to complete an N.L.P. Practiioner training with Reveal Solutions, Glocester. This has greatly enhanced my ability as a therapist in helping patients find solutions to their problems. Combined with Acupuncture it provides a powerful way of effecting change and personal growth in an individual. I also use a combination of these techniques to help patients control and manage anxiety and stress.
I also have recently completed “The Lightning Process” (a combination of NLP and coaching) which has furthered my understanding of ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post Viral Fatigue type illnesses.
Another keen interest of mine is working with couples having trouble conceiving, going through IVF or any other fertility treatment.Having done several specialist seminars on the subject it is a particular focus of my practise. It has been a source of great joy to me to work in this field, helping couples achieve their dreams. This year has seen numerous new arrivals with, I trust, many more to come.
Location & Hours

98 Cathedral Road
I first came to Peter suffering from very low energy levels. After only 2 sessions I felt my energy levels start to improve and by the 6th session I felt fully recovered. Peter's acupuncture sessions have been crucial in getting my health back to normal.
Since I started treatment with Peter I have much more energy. During the past year, for example, I have coped with various family crises including bereavement, continued to run my own busy market research business and kept on top of a full - time - equivalent university course. None of us is actually a superwoman, but Peter has helped me to feel as though I could be one!