About the Business
Experienced & Professionally registered Reflexologist and certified Kinesiologist nutritionally trained I work in Devon with clinics in Exeter Axminster and Dawlish.
Over the many years of practice I have helped clients with all sorts of problems so have a wealth of experience with all manner of conditions whether physical, emotional/mental and spiritual. I tailor my treatment to a client's individual needs using my skills and experience to find the right tools to help them.
Clients respond in different ways but most find the treatments helpful in addressing their problems and leave feeling relaxed, energised and empowered. I aim to avoid a healing crisis so the client leaves feeling better than when they walked through the door. Treatments can open up new ways of thinking and approaching their health, well being and spiritual growth. I also teach Kinesiology for professional training/interest.
Business Services

Systemtic Kinesiology (SK)(kin-easy-ology) is a very effective all encompassing natural Healthcare System. SK is the same as Applied Kinesiology which is the patented name in U.S.A. Its techiques may also be combined with another therapy to help restore health and vitality. Its key tool is the muscle test which helps find problem areas
Balances The Whole Person:
Dr George Goodheart in 1964 developed the Eastern principle that muscles, glands and organs/systems are connected by a network of pathways or meridians which form a 'circuit'. Ill health is seen as a result of there being congestion or blockage in a circuit. Testing different muscles not only detects any blocks but also the most appropriate way to be corrected and rebalance the muscles. This could be massage, nutrition, energy reflexes, and/or emotional techniques. When muscles are rebalanced everything benefits as the energy released enhances all funCtions.
Our bodies are made up of Mental, Chemical, Physical and Energy components. The muscle testing evaluates these funtions which are always inter communicating and do not work in isolation. Our mental and emotional states affect our physical/chemical ones and vice versa. The muscle test taps into this network of communication and discovers the key cause(s) of the lock/disruption.
Today our busy hectic life styles constantly bombard us with different pressures and stresses that impact the whole of our being. This causes imbalances and congestions that disrupt the pathways. If not addressed these may develop into more long term chronic problems so Kinesiology is really preventative as it nips things in the bud before they have chance to take hold. All sorts of factors such as the general business of life, accidents, the food we eat, illserving thought patterns to stress at work can cause congestions in the person.

In Reflexology it is believed there is a reflex corresponding to every organ and system in the body mapped out in both the feet and hands. When these reflexes are worked there is a therapeutic effect in the related organ/system.
The client is in reclining position with the feet slightly raised. After some general massage movements a procedure is followed whereby both feet, usually starting with the right foot, are worked thus all systems and organs are treated.
Unlike in Acupuncture where needles are inserted into several points in the skin directly into the energy pathway, in Reflexology finger pressure is used on a corresponding foot/hand reflex.
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2a Spicer Road
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Reflexology Exeter
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2a Spicer Road, Exeter, EX1 1SX
The session has reeally helped me. I feel things lifting and clearing out! Thank you. I think you have done a wonderful job.
Thank you Jane since the last treatment my gut has been feeling so much better.. no more bloated feelings or discomfort. Keeping to your suggestions to maintain.