About the Business
Susanne returned to the UK in 2003 and since then has broadened her experience by attending Shamanic Workshops by Helen Fost at 'Temenoshealing',a nd at' Eagles Wing' and the 'Sacred Trust' to gain more experience and understanding of the energy body and energy work in relation to our Body Mind and Spirit and which she is able to incorporate in her work. Susanne also attends many Astrology seminars and workshops to further enhance her knowledge of this fascinating subject. Susanne is a fully qualified Massage Therapist gaining qualifications in Relaxation Massage, Tui Na/pain relief (Chinese massage ) Remedial Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Ayruvedic (Indian) Massage (including Mamar Point Massage, Indian Head Massage and dry powder Massage ) Reiki Energy Healing, Life Coaching, Yoga Teaching, Teaching English to Foreign Students(TEFL).
Susanne has had valuable and extensive experience in volunteer work both here in the UK and also in Australia.
Location & Hours

6a Bridge St