About the Business
Welcome to the website of Faith Challinor-Wheatley, established Sound Healer and Therapist. Within these pages you will find information on a variety of sound healing therapies and techniques, as well as on Faith’s own work, which incorporates the use of a number of sound instruments, and her voice in diverse forms, as a healing tool.
Some techniques have been practised for thousands of years and handed down by medicine people of many cultures across the globe. Other therapies have been developed in more recent years through rigorous research and evaluations, have been proven and are practised, and are now acknowledged, registered and accredited by colleges and associations in the UK and worldwide.
The newest therapies are a blending of the ancient with the new, embracing 21st. century technology and rekindling established techniques. These are being recognised as the therapies of the future and as a new frontier of sound healing.
Business Services


Reiki is an ancient healing system, based on channelling pure universal energy-reiki- through the hands of the practitioner. It is a natural healing art with origins in Tibet and is over 2000 years old.
This system of healing was rediscovered in Japan in the 19th century by Dr Mikao Usui, who dedicated his life to the tradition oral teachings, adding spiritual concepts to be intergrated with the physical aspects of the reiki energy, and passing on the ability to channel reiki through sacred attunements given byusui2 Master to student.
Reiki is a Japanese word: rei means universal and ki is the life force (or energy) which flows through all living things. Reiki treats the whole person on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. Imbalances and disharmony are caused by blockages in the natural flow of energy in the body. Our daily life experiences contribute to these blockages, as the chakras (our energy centres) also take up direct vibrations from the environment, connecting us with what is going on in our environment in nature and in the universe. The chakras can thus be seen as subtle sensory organs.
Balancing of the chakras helps unblock stress and unresolved experiences. Reiki is the essence of simplicity and is flexible, safe, natural, and a powerful effective hands- on healing technique. The life force energy induces a deep state of relaxation, supporting the body’s own innate healing process.
Treatments are carried out in a comfortable environment with the client fully clothed throughout the therapy, either in a sitting position or laying on a therapy couch. The treatments are tailored to suit individual needs with a course of sessions sometimes recommended to support the healing process.
This therapy has been shown to benefit, stress, muscle aches and pains, anxiety, headaches, insomnia and many other ailments.
Location & Hours

29 Walters Row